Happy Earth Day...Everyday!

"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world."
-John Muir

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
-Chief Seattle

Avocado Black Bean Stir-fry

This was fast and simple. My bell peppers were getting soft so I threw this together...

Fried onions and garlic, then added the organic...bell peppers, black beans, and eggs. After the eggs were done cooking I put it on a plate and added fresh avocados and some organic medium salsa. I was going to wrap it in a burrito, but all the tortillas were just cooked and all eaten up. As long as I have avocados I'm happy to eat it just like this!

Spice Up Your Life!

These are some simple spices that I have in my easy access spice cubby. I use them to spice soups, breads, meats, curries, chilies, and lots of other good foods! The power of spices and herbs are incredible in supplying our bodies with an amazing spectrum of good strong nutrients and health. Spices and herbs help prevent and fight against sicknesses and diseases! Here's a great article. I don't usually go light on spices and I have cupboard full of more spices behind this door. Spices I use the most are most cinnamon, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder.

So spice up your life!



Coconut Pineapple Smoothie

Just a few simple ingredients...

One whole freshly cut pineapple, 1/2-1 cup Unsweetened Coconut Milk, & ice if desired.

Oh yeah, super good!

Pineapples have a powerful enzyme bromelain. Bromelain helps with inflammation, swelling, & treating sore muscles. Bodybuilders know how important it is to get bromelain into their bodies to recover. For me it's awesome to juice or eat fresh pineapples when I have sore calves and muscles from ballet. Fresh pineapples also helps build strong bones and helps with indigestion and acid reflux. Can't go wrong when choosing a wholefood like pineapple, just go easy on it and don't eat too much at one time. Good facts here.

Especially, with fresh cut up strawberries!

Coconut Pineapple Stawberry Popsicles

From our smoothie leftovers we put the rest into the Popsicle holders and into the freezer.

 So so so good!

Cinnamon Frech Toast

For dinner my kids wanted french toast! Aspen Mills Honey Whole Wheat Bread has wholesome and simple ingredients: %100 stonegound wheat flour, water, honey, salt, and yeast. I have a funny tummy and this bread doesn't make me sick, as long as I only have no more than a couple slices. The best price is at Costco two for $4.99. This loaf of bread at your local grocery store is quite expensive when paying for just one loaf around $4+. This is a Utah company and may only sale locally.

We whipped up some organic eggs with almond milk and cinnamon. After cooking we enjoyed them with organic maple syrup and strawberries.

Regrowing Romaine Hearts

Organic romaine hearts Day 4 of regrowth.


Lasagna, Asparagus, & Garden Salad

My husband and I got to make dinner together...I chopped up everything and he made the Lasagna.

Boil lasagna noodles
Cook meat in pan w/garlic & onions
Add spaghetti sauce to meat
Lay noodle, meat, and veggies every layer
Layer w/or w/out cheese
Bake in the oven
abt 375deg for 15-30min

Organic Romain & Red Leaf
Fresh organic parsley 
Red onions
Organic carrots
Organic cucumber 

(Raw or Baked)
Raw just wash & eat!
Bake at abt 375 deg
Olive Oil
Sea Salt, Garlic Powder, & 
No-Salt Seasoning
For 5-10min

Broccoli Pecan Pasta

Tru Roots Gluten-free noodle, lightly steamed organic broccoli, pecans, Italian dressing, & cayenne pepper.

Good Tip with the Broccoli...

After steaming put in very cold water or ice water to stop it from cooking and losing more nutrients. We like our steamed veggies to still be a little crunchy.


Regrowing Celery Hearts

Day 7 

 I heard that you could regrow things like lettuce and celery hearts. So, I wanted to try it and I'm so amazed! This has been growing since this last weekend. My cousin is growing lettuce hearts just like this so I'm going to try that too!

Day 4

Here's a picture on April 2nd, three days ago. I can't remember what day I put it in the bowl. I do know this was only a few days growth. I've been pretty amazed. Haha, I always felt bad just throwing away living food like this...finally I have found a solution. I just wonder how tall it will grow and for how long??? I know it won't last nearly as long as it would in dirt where it gets lots of good and important nutrients.