
Homemade Mac & Cheese

Or aka the best meal ever to little kids.

My family was quite happy with this.

It was quick and easy....
            • I boiled some organic noodles
            • Grated 1/2 cup Fresh Parmesan Cheese
            • Added some Organic Colby Jack Cheese
            • 2/3 cup milk alternative organic soy, rice, or almond
            • 1-2 T Organic Butter
            • Some spices garlic powder, salt, & pepper
            • Last but not hot dogs! We like these grassfed kind.

Add in some sides and you're good to go.
Also, to make it more yellow you can add Turmeric.

Ever hear of the Food Babe? She's awesome.

Check this out.

Enjoy :)


Sweet Potato Chips

If you love sweet potato chips or fries you'll love these.

I will say that it is a bit hard to get them to turn out just right.

I use my mandolin to make them nice and thin and add enough oil to coat them.

Trial and error and you'll get it right!

Check out Nom Nom Paleo for instructions here.


Lamb Stew

This Lamb Stew is so good!

I make my own beef broth from grass-fed beef bones.

I get the beef bones from Wholefoods. Love the meat department there.

I boil them in the crock pot for 2 days.

Then I put it in the fridge overnight to let the fat solidify at the top.

But, if you like and can handle all the fat leave it in.

Then, I cooked the meat in the broth.

Later add the potatoes, carrots, bay leaf, and sea salt.

This stew is so delicious!

GF Waffles & Strawberries

These waffles are my favorite.

They are gluten free and I switch out a few ingredients...
  • Instead of sugar I add a ripe mashed banana, maple syrup, or no sugar at all.
  • The first time I made it with oil and yuck it wasn't good.
  • So, I add Ghee instead & oh my goodness they are so much better.
  • For milk I add rice milk or water.
  • I also can't have eggs. So I use either chia or flax seed meal substitute.
  • I used my dry grains blender to make the chia/flax seed meal and then add 1T to 3T water.  
I make different batches with blueberries and/or  Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips (dairy, nut, soy, & gluten free).

But, I usually enjoy them just plain w/ some ghee on top.

 Hodgson Mill, Inc. w/ Whole grain...millet, sorghum, & brown rice flours.

I have officially been diagnosed with a gluten sensitivity. So, gluten-free everything it is.

I actually haven't eaten gluten since last summer, so luckily it isn't a big deal for me.

I was grain free for 5months, but I'm glad I'm not doing that anymore!

Some variations...

The raspberries are super yummy.

Organic raspberries mixed with a little bit of squeezed lemon, maple syrup, and cornstarch.

Add in the occasional breakfast bacon...

Or a poached egg and bacon.

Poached eggs are my favorite.

So, is this Organic Sunday Bacon from Applegate.

This bacon is organic, humanely raised, and free of added nitrates/nitrites.

Check out this article from Mark's Daily Apple for good reason to purchase and consume good bacon.

Definitely pricier, but when consumed occasionally it's worth it for our family.

Onto the next...  

My sad attempt at making naaniskadii, Navajo Tortillas.

  Awe man, this is one gluten thing that is hard to go without!

Nonetheless, it'll work.