
Instant Pot: Chicken Taco Rice w/ Black Bean Salsa!

My kids wanted "Taco Rice" for dinner, an Okinawan thing, but I didn't have any ground beef or taco seasoning. What to do! I did have in the freezer homemade black bean salsa and organic chicken. Ok then, into the instant pot it goes...

Recipe for Black Bean Salsa

Two cut up tomatoes
1/4 of small onion
2 clove garlic
1/2 cup cilantro
Fresh squeezed lemon and lime juice
Jalapeno as much as you want
Sea salt

Put it all in a food processor and blend

Then add 1 cup of cooked black beans
Blend more, not too much.

*I also wanted to add corn. Next time!

After putting it all into the instant pot I put it onto Manuel 10mins. 

I then put rice into my IP#2.

A friend shared this recipe with me she found!...

My rice made in the IP before this recipe came out to wet. Not terrible, but compared to my rice on the stovetop it was too sticky and wet. 

This worked a lot better and didn't turn out too wet, but I think could've used a little tiny bit more water.

Then dinner was ready in an instant!! I didn't time the exact amount of time, but it was less than 30mins. I think 25mins. And that was from it being frozen.

It smelled so good and the chicken was cooked. These chicken breasts are thick and I've found since they are so thick they need at least 10min to cook through.

 It shredded so nicely!

I used two forks to shred it. 

Put it on a plate with some organic blue corn chips and insanely yummy cantaloupe that cost 1000 yen!!

Kids were happy happy happy with their Chicken Taco Rice!

***Tonight we had leftovers, just the meat. I put it into some organic tortillas with lettuce and salsa.

My oldest said..."Mom, this is like biting into a Taco Bell burrito, but it tastes so much better!" Awe, such a great compliment! And my youngest who is the pickiest happily wanted into the kitchen asking for another one saying, "These are so good mommy, I want another one!"