
Tomato Coconut Basil Soup

A friend gave them this recipe from another friend and it's super easy and best part is my kids loved it with some noodles! Her friend's recipe...

Tomato Basil Soup  

"This one minute soup is a healthy alternative to a Martha Stewart classic that bursts with such flavor, you'll want to cheer!"

-1 quart Classico Spaghetti Sauce
-2 (13 oz) cans coconut cream
-1 Tablespoon dried basil

*Classico brand is sold in packs of 3 at Costco. Or your choice of sauce. Sugar-free is better.
*Coconut cream is sold at Good Earth and probably other health food stores. 
*Try part coconut milk w/ any other milk...rice, soy, almond, or diary.
*Along with the basil I put in more spices.

Here it is with the added organic noodles...

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