
Theirs vs. Mine

 We had this spaghetti for dinner one night...I made the sauce from organic canned tomatoes, added spices & herbs, veggies (green peppers, onions, garlic), cooked up organic beef, baked asparagus, and boiled some organic quinoa/corn noodles. It's gluten-free. I'm trying to use less and less wheat for my family.

Then there was mine...

I'm doing totally grain-free. I've gone gluten-free, but never grain free. Basically, grains and meat, especially large quantities of both, don't mix well in the digestive system and can cause more discomfort and problems.  Ever heard that the gut is the brain? Make sense to me. It's vital for our guts to be healthy and strong so that the rest of our body can function and work properly, like our brain. Eating healthy fats for brain development/nervous system development is so very important especially in the womb as a fetus and as a growing child. We gotta promote healthy guts for healthy bodies! But, gong grain-free isn't for everybody, it just depends on the way you metabolize, convert, and use your food. Some do better than others and their bodies need very different foods for energy, strength, health, stamina, and life! That's why is so important to listen to your body.

So, for my noodles I julienned zucchini and then steamed them for my noodles. Then added the sauce on top. I'm super sensitive to a lot of foods and lately wheat and grains have been bothering me, so they are out of the menu for me. Which means I pretty much eat Paleo Diet and have noticed a big difference in the way I feel. Onward to bigger and better!

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