
"Let Food Be Thy Medicine"

 It's truly truly amazing of the abundance of nutrients veggies and fruits have to offer our bodies! Hippocrates was right on when he said, "Let food be thy medicine." I couldn't agree more! In today's society it's sad to me that we aren't taught MORE about good health from eating the RIGHT foods our bodies NEED to stay truly healthy and strong to avoid suffering from awful diseases, sicknesses, and cancers. From the ages of 19-21yrs. I suffered severely from not eating the right foods. I was really really sick, in a lot of pain everyday, and I couldn't figure out why and neither could my medical doctors. I went from this specialist to that specialist doing this procedure and that operation and prescribing lots of pills,which most of the time I never took. Then finally I stopped seeing medical doctors and started seeing holistic/naturopathic doctors and everything was fixed through strictly eating the right foods. I am so grateful for everything I've learned!


  1. Haha.. I made these fruit and veggie trays. What a beautiful job I have done.
