
Juice With Parsley...

Organic carrots, apples, ginger, beet w/ stem & leaves, kale, parsley, and oranges.

Check out this WHFoods: Parsely link. I'll Give some highlights from their website...

  • Parsley contains two types of unusual components that provide unique health benefits...volatile oil components (help prevent tumor formation) and flavonoids (Rich Anti-oxidants).
  • Cleanses blood supply.
  • Has lots of Vitamin A & C, which are two essential nutrients to prevent many diseases.
  • Good source of folic acid can lower risk of stroke and heart disease.
  • Protection Against Rheumatoid Arthritis. 
  • Cleanses your mouth and gives you fresh breath!  

All in all Parsely has so much chlorophyll it acts as a great detox and cleanses your whole system!

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