
"Portobello Burger" & Kale Chips

This raw/vegan burger is from Maui Kombucha...a place I've discovered on the island...
a place where I didn't know food like this existed...a place where all the food is awesomely good!

 The "burger" is made out of walnuts, portobello mushrooms, zucchini, olive oil, coconut aminos, garlic, herbs & spices, nutritional yeast, S&P, and lemon.

The "Cheeze & Pesto Aioli" Sauces were so tasty!

Throw on yummy toppings and wrap it in collard greens :)

I threw in some kale chips and whala...so so good!

Sorry no recipe, but I'm definitely going to experiment and come up with my own.

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