
Maple Peanut Sesame Chicken

This meal was awesome!

Following a low fodmap diet can be oh so tricky and confusing, but I'm working on it and finding some good meals to make. Kate Scarlata is a well know Fodmap expert and she has plenty of great recipes. Including this one...

Maple Peanut Sesame Chicken
By Kate Scarlata
From Well Balanced
  • 1 pound chicken tenders (boneless, skinless)
  • 2 Tablespoons all natural peanut butter
  • 1 Tablespoon sesame oil
  • 3 Tablespoons reduced sodium tamari (soy sauce)
  • 1 Tablespoon sesame seeds
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons pure maple syrup
  1. Wash and pat dry chicken.
  2. In medium casserole dish, add peanut butter, sesame oil, soy sauce, sesame seeds, ginger and maple syrup whisking to blend.
  3. Add chicken and toss to coat with mixture.
  4. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes-several hours.
  5. Keep chicken in 'marinade' and place casserole uncovered in oven.
  6. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. Serve over rice vermicelli noodles or baby salad greens.

    I made this meal to feed to our sister missionaries and they loved it. We have them over often and finally I made something that we could all eat. Yay!

    I also make my own dressing, which I pour a little bit of this and that in.
    Depending on how much you need make accordingly and let call it...

    Garlic Infused Ginger Dressing

    -Garlic Infused Olive Oil
    -Coconut Aminos
    -Sesame Oil
    -Squeezed Lemon
    -Ground Ginger

    I've also added some vinegar, just a little bit, and maple syrup to sweeten it up for guests. Infused oils are delicious a must do in cooking! Add the most of the olive oil, then just a bit less of coconut aminos or soy sauce, a little bit of sesame oil for that toasted sesame flavor, as little or as much fresh squeezed lemon as you like, prob less though, about a pinch of ground ginger, and salt and pepper to taste.

    We also had this oh so good...

    Which I was also able to enjoy for the first time in who knows how long!!

    I made Against All Grain Paleo Pie Crust.
    (gotta buy her book for the recipe.)

    Beans are used as my "pie weights" while baking.

    Then find my previous Lemon Meringue Pie post for the filling.

    Oh happy day :)

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