
Our Favorite Bacon & Egg Sandwich

This is one of my kids favorite breakfast Bacon & Egg Sandwich!

I don't bribe them with candy, I bribe them with Bacon!!

Seriously. To get them up and going in the morning I say, "If you hurry and get in the shower, get dressed, and come downstairs...I'll make you some bacon."

Works every time.

I don't always buy it, but when I do they are sure quick to listen and get movin. Lol! The breakfast norm is oatmeal, so they look forward to this!

Here are our special ingredients....

Sure, it's a no brainer to make a egg sandwich, but just like any fine dish it's all about the ingredients and where they came from.

These are locally raised and pastured farm eggs and I can talk directly to the friend that I got them from. They can tell me exactly everything the hens eat, which includes bugs, spiders, and insects. I can also see for myself where hens live and where they roam, which is everywhere around the yard and farm. My kids LOVE going to play at their house and chase and catch the chickens. Very cool!

Happy chickens = Healthy Eggs

Here's a good article to know why...eggs are definitely NOT created equal.
It's so important to understand the differences of the eggs you can buy and why it's important to eat pastured eggs. Even buying organic eggs at the grocery store doesn't even compare to pastured raised chickens.

And I can't forget to mention that you know you have a good healthy pastured egg just by the color of the yolk. It's so beautiful, I can't even say how lovely they look after you crack them open and drop it into the pan or bowl. It's a nice golden color. It's not a dull or yellow.

Here's the difference...

Photo from the article above, The Rising Spoon.

Well, I hope I've convinced you to seek out a local farmer that will sell you their eggs!

I fry them in some butter on our cast iron skillet and sprinkle some garlic powder, sea salt, and pepper on top.

Next up....

The Bacon!

Just as the eggs, it's important to buy healthy bacon. Which most people are scared to eat (for good reason due to certain health conditions), but when bacon comes from the right place it has a plethora of healthy fats, which our brain and body need!

This Applegate Organics is a good stuff...uncrured, isn't preserved, no nitrates or nitrates added, no antibiotics given, and is also gluten and casin free for those sensitive and/or intolerant to those proteins. Which, because I am so sensitive I have to avoid regular store bought bacon because of all the ingredients included.

Then top it all off on some 100% Sprouted Whole Grain Ezekiel Bread.

My kids love this cinnamon raisin toast.

Sprouted grains breads are better than other wheat breads because...

Sprouting grains, nuts, seeds, or beans (soaking the gain or seeds in water before use they begin to grow/sprout) releases vital nutrients that are in these foods. It becomes alive, which give it more protein, vitamins, and minerals that make it easier for our bodies to absorb properly and digest to get the best and most optimal nutrients.  Because there is something in grains called phytic acid which binds to minerals and other nutrients in our body and when it exits our bodies it has bonded to and takes these important nutrients along with it. This binding decreases the absorption of vital nutrients, like iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium.

So, that is why many people, especially among ancient civilizations and cultures, soak their grains to reduce the phytic acid, which of course they didn't know about phytic acid, but they did pay attention to how foods digested better in their bodies due to how they felt. Genius. The more I learn about food the more I come to know that our ancestors knew SO MUCH about how to properly store, prepare, use, and make use of the food they grew and came upon to get the most nutrients out of them and help their bodies function and work properly. It's no wonder nowadays all the health problems we face because of our improper use, preparation, and consumption of food. It's so important to listen to your body. Pain = your bodies way of telling you something is wrong and needs to be fixed. But, think of pain as your friend and try to figure it out and feel better!

Well, that's what I think, but not all agree. I always say, "we live now, today and you have to give and take." Because I can't do things exactly as my ancestors did, but I can learn as much as I can and do my best to provide me and my family the best way of life.

But, when we don't have any Ezekiel Bread we use our favorite good ol' Apsen Mills Honey Whole Wheat Bread. Made in Utah, which when family comes we have them buy and bring like 12 loaves for us to put into the freezer. :)

So, hopefully you can go out and find some good fine ingredients to make your....


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