
Baked Corn Dogs & Purple Potato Salad

The kids love it when I make Homemade Corn Dogs!

With my youngest, we whipped up the batter, rolled out the dough, wrapped up the hot dogs, and stuck 'em in the oven.

Then before you know it their sitting on a stick ready to eat. 

Baked Corn Dogs
By Meagan "The Baker Mama"
  • 1 cup Gold Medal® white whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup yellow cornmeal
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon ground mustard
  • 6 tablespoons butter
  • ½ cup non-fat milk
  • ¼ cup honey
  • 7 lean beef hot dog franks, cut in half
  • 14 wooden sticks
  • mustard & ketchup, for serving
  1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, cornmeal, baking powder, salt and ground mustard. Cut in the butter with a pastry blender or two forks until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in the milk and honey with a wooden spoon or your hands until well combined.
  3. Place dough on a lightly floured piece of parchment paper. Sprinkle some more flour over the dough and top with another piece of parchment paper. Roll dough to ¼-inch thickness.
  4. Push a wooden stick up the center of the cut end of each hot dog half. Place the dog on the dough and cut a square that is big enough to wrap around it. Form dough around each dog sealing both ends and any open areas. Place corn dogs on the prepared baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes or until they start to brown. Serve with mustard and ketchup for dipping.

*I use Applegate's Organic Uncured Grass-fed Beef Hot Dogs which I prefer, or National Hebrew: Kosher Beef Frank Hot Dogs

I also whipped up some Purple Potato Salad and had it sitting in the fridge from the day before ready to go.
Because you know Potato Salad is always better the next day!

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