
Chili Taquito Casserole

So this was a totally random look in the pantry and fridge to see what foods we have meal!

We've been traveling and haven't gone grocery shopping so come Sunday I looked around and came up with this meal. 
Interesting, but the Fish Fam loved it. 

I had lots of canned Chili in the pantry that my husband bought on sale last summer to take camping and we still have lots left. 
So, then to help my creative juices get flowing I looked up some canned chili meal ideas and walla...

I had some frozen organic hash browns, which I fried up, then put at the bottom of a casserole dish. Topped the potatoes with the heated up canned chili and then bake at 375deg in the oven for 15mins while the taquitos also baked. At the same time those were in the oven I steamed some frozen corn and green beans.

When the time was up I pushed some of the chili to one side of the dish and then added all the taquitos and then pushed the chili back over them. Then topped it with the corn and green beans, with some fresh tomatoes and green onions.

Yum! Well at least they said it was yum!

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