
Navajo Breakfast Burritos

If you are ever on the Navajo Reservation and see a sign that says "Breakfast Burrito" pull over and get one!! You won't be disappointed. Homemade Navajo "Naaniskadi" bread filled with spam, eggs, and potatoes is so GOOD!! 

Navajo grandmas are pros and don't use any measuring tools and just ust their hands and eyes to measure. But, here is a general recipe with measurements! Also, for starters start by cutting the recipe in half. I learned better that way and if I messed up I didn't have as much that I messed up, lol! And 4 cups makes alot. I also find that the warmer/hot, more on the hot side the water is, the better my dough comes out. Good luck!

Naaniskadi (Navajo Tortillas)

4 cups flour
2 T baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 cups warm/hot water


1. Mix together flour, baking powder, and salt. Make a well in the middle.

2. Pour 1 cup of the water into the well and stir together with hands for spoon. Slowly adding the water little by little as needed to make dough come together until you can knead it until it's not longer sticky, but soft. You don't need to over knead.

3. Put it in a lightly greased bowl and cover with a towel or plastic wrap. Let it sit for up to 30mins in a warmer araa. The longer it sits the softer the dough will get and makes it much easier to flap and stretch.

4. When the dough is ready tear off a tennis ball size or smaller piece of dough and form into a ball. 

5. You can use a rolling pin to flatten it out or use your hands to stretch it and flap it out like a true Navajo! Aye ;)

6. Heat the pan, I like cast iron pans, to med.-high heat. Grease it as needed and cook them on both sides.

Spam, Eggs, and Potatoes.....

I peel, chop, and cube my potatoes and put them in water to reduce the starch. Start to heat up the cast iron skillet on low while you prepare other things. Chop onions and spam. Then I turn the heat up on the pan and pour some oil in, throw the potatoes in with a little bit of water, and cover. Watch and stir them so they don't burn. After a few minutes take the lid off to finish them adding anymore oil if needed. You want to them brown on the sides and be soft in the middle. Once they finish I put them in a bowl and cover and start cooking the onions and let them soften a bit and then throw the spam in and cook for a few minutes. Then toss them in the bowl with the potatoes. Then cook the eggs. You can cook them with the onions and spam if wanted. When your scrambled eggs are done toss them in the bowl and its ready to serve!

Naaniskadi is also good with beef stew....

 And Turkey Soup....

All of this makes me miss my Shimasani! My grandma....

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