
Meal 4: Homemade Soup, Salad, & Breadsticks

Onward with the leftovers from the chicken drumsticks I used the bones to make bone broth. I never let my family through away their chicken drumsticks or thigh bones. I wash them off, put them in a freezer bag, and toss them into the freezer until I have enough bones to make broth.

As usual I boiled the bones for two days.
Directions here, don't let it scare you, it's so worth it.

On the final day I add some fresh herbs, chicken meat, sea salt.

About an hour before dinner I add onions &/or garlic.

Then I add the veggies celery, carrots, potatoes, kale, etc.

I also added our leftover quinoa.

Serve it with a tossed salad & freshly made bread sticks.
Recipe here.

Nothing better than homemade Chicken Soup, salad, & bread sticks!

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