
Long Bean Tofu Stirfry

 I love making stir-fry's and after living in China for a while I quickly learned American Chinese food and China Chinese food are so so different! Chinese food made in China is really really good. After we moved back from China I got pregnant and all I craved was veggies and rice like I had in China. I frequently made this dish. It's also a good thing my husband knows how to cook and does an amazing job at imitating our favorite foods in China!

When I first started cooking I hated that I had to chop up so many things. Then I said to myself, "You know what I need to get over this feeling and be happy to do it because if I want these fresh veggies in our food then I'm going to be doing it day in and day out for a really long time and I need to be able to enjoy it!" I'm happy to say that I really enjoy chopping up veggies...haha, it has become a way to de-stress.

I fry the garlic and onions first until the onions are mostly cooked I add a little soy sauce as well, add the mushrooms and green beans w/a little bit of water and cover the pan. After a couple of minutes I put in hoisin sauce (found in Asian stores or maybe in the Asian isle at your local grocery store), a little vinegar, and maybe a little sugar just right in the pan. I go with whatever amounts I feel is best. Then Lastly I add the tofu and let it if cook for a minute. I like the beans to still be a little crunchy and not soft, cook everything according to how you like it. 

*I have a ton of juice pics to post, but I just have to get them off of my FB page and put ALL of them on here. :)

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