
Pork & Pineapple Pizza

 My favorite TV show is Food Network. 
I've gotten so many good ideas, tips, help, & encouragement.
We've never had a TV with cable, but I'm sure grateful that while
we live here at my in-laws condo we have it!

This meal was inspired by a FN Show Sandra's Money Saving Meals.
 She made a pork roast & was using it for all kinds 
of dishes and one of them was pizza....

The kids were hungry and I though HEY! I have a big leftover bowl of  Kula Pork in the fridge
from a church even I went to that our Hawaiian Relief Society Pres. made. I also had a frozen cheese pizza in the fridge, and a Maui Fresh Pineapple was also sitting in the fridge ready to use!

With my little sous chef we spread the pork all over.
Chopped up some onions & pineapple.

 Baked it in 10min.
 Added some fresh cilantro.
And "Cucumber Chips"
Sprinkled w/ S&P love!
(Salt & Pepper)

Ohhh, it looked good and they happily enjoyed it!

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