
Kale & Beet Spaghetti

I had some beets to use so they were thrown into our dinner.

Beets always give a nice and vibrant color that I love.

Also in the mix is kale, turkey meat, and fresh parmesan cheese.

Side salad topped with yummy organic strawberries.


Lifesaving Leftovers...

Wouldn't you say leftovers really are lifesavers?!

I really stretched these leftovers to make these dishes....

Meal 1: Soy Glazed Ginger Salmon

Meal 2: Soy Glazed Ginger Chicken

Meal 3: Soy Glazed Ginger Stir-fry  

Meal 4: Homemade Chicken Soup

Ha, it may be a lot of soy glazed ginger dishes, but my family didn't mind at all.

I don't have post or pic for Meal 3.
But, I finished off all the leftover sauce w/ a stir-fry made with veggies & tofu.

Checkout all other posts below....

Meal 4: Homemade Soup, Salad, & Breadsticks

Onward with the leftovers from the chicken drumsticks I used the bones to make bone broth. I never let my family through away their chicken drumsticks or thigh bones. I wash them off, put them in a freezer bag, and toss them into the freezer until I have enough bones to make broth.

As usual I boiled the bones for two days.
Directions here, don't let it scare you, it's so worth it.

On the final day I add some fresh herbs, chicken meat, sea salt.

About an hour before dinner I add onions &/or garlic.

Then I add the veggies celery, carrots, potatoes, kale, etc.

I also added our leftover quinoa.

Serve it with a tossed salad & freshly made bread sticks.
Recipe here.

Nothing better than homemade Chicken Soup, salad, & bread sticks!


Meal 2: Soy Glazed Ginger Chicken & Qinnoa

I saved all the sauce from the salmon meal to marinate these chicken drumsticks.

I marinated the drumsticks for the day.

Put them in the oven an hour before dinner.

Cooked up some quinoa & veggies just before.

My family know to not throw away their bones because I rinse them off, toss them in the freezer, and save them for bone broth soup.

There was also sauce leftover...just enough for a stir-fry tomorrow!

Meal 3: Soy Glazed Ginger Stir-fry

No post or pic for the Stir-fry, but I...

Tossed some veggies, organic tofu, the sauce, & cooked rice into the Wok.

Fast, easy, and enjoyable for the Fish Fam!


Meal 1: Soy Glazed Ginger Salmon

My kids practically licked this meal off their plates.

Which says a lot because they don't usually like the fish dishes I cook.

Nothing a little soy sauce and brown sugar won't solve!

Soy Ginger Glazed Salmon

1 cup soy sauce
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 t fresh chopped ginger
2 T Mirin wine or sherry
(I used white wine vinegar or
you could use rice wine vinegar)

  • Preheat oven to 350 deg.
  • For the sauce bring all ingredients, except the salmon, to a boil in a saucepan. Stir just until sugar has dissolved, then reserve to cool. 
  • Marinate Salmon Steaks for at least 15 mins. 
  • Bake the salmon for 15 to 20 minutes. Salmon internal temp should be 145 deg.  
  • I use Organic non-gmo Soy Sauce.

Throw over rice, veggies, and we added our left over pineapples.



Pineapple Chicken Stir-fry

Another quick easy and yummy meal.
                • I cooked some chicken breasts
                • Chopped up the fresh pineapple
                • Cut up the cooked chicken & added the pineapple
                • Threw in some San-J Pad Thai Sauce
                • Sprinkled with sesame seeds

Side Salad:
                • Julienned carrots & cucumbers
                • Diced a tomato
                • Drizzle soy sauce & sesame oil
                • Squeezed lemon
                • Sprinkled with ground ginger
                • And mixed it all together 

I was lucky enough to get a quick pic with my phone.

Everyone was hungry and enjoyed. :)