
Perfect Peach French Toast

We picked up some yummy Organic Peaches at Costco, don't you just love when peaches are in season?!

Sunday morning I made the Fish Fam some delicious French Toast!

I made the my own peach syrup and then topped w/ sliced peaches. Yum.

For the Syrup....

1 cup water
1 cup sugar
1 T cornstarch
1 tsp cinnamon
(cinnamon if desired)

Stir constantly and bring to a boil.
Sugar should be dissolved.
Turn low & stir constantly so it thickens.
Don't burn it.

Cut up 3 peaches.
Then blend them w/ the syrup.
Let it sit for about 30min.
Can use immediately if needed.

 Drizzle it all over and enjoy...


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