
Banana Pecan Bread

This is Danielle Walker's Banana Bread (Paleo) from her Against All Grain cookbook.

It is super good! 

You'll have to get the recipe from her book, but I did switch out a few ingredients for my dietary needs...instead of honey I subbed with maple syrup, I didn't add any vanilla extract (I don't like the flavor), instead of AVC I used white vinegar, and instead of canned coconut milk I subbed with Unsweetened Coconut Milk, I also added chopped pecans (Yum!). To get the best results with this bread Danielle highly suggests only using Honeyville Blanched Almond Flour. Using other brands like Bob's Red Mill results in "overly moist products that will sind in the center or have a grainy texture." Which, Paleo breads do come out more moist and soggy, but you definitely want to avoid it being even more so, which from experience she is totally right. I buy this almond flour at Costco for $22, which yes, is very expensive, but it's what I can eat.

After I baked it and let it cool I put it in a ziplock bag and into the fridge.

The next day it always tastes a lot tastier :)


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