
Instant Pot: Baby Back Ribs

If there is one thing I never imagined myself making it's ribs, especially in my pressure cooker! In the past IF we ever ate ribs it was the Costco pre-cooked packaged ribs WHEN they were on sale. Ha! But, my hubby doesn't like them, so it's been a really long time since him or the kids have had them. My little meat eating carnivores love bbq ribs, so they were so happy to have these!

I found this recipe for my Instant Pot: "The Greatest 'Fall off the Bone' Braised Baby Back Ribs" at Great Chow TV.

It's incredibly easy to make...

Ingredients: Apple juice, ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar), and BBQ Sauce (The Sauce Is Boss).

First you put 4 cups of the apple juice into the pot. Then about 1/8-1/4 cup AVC (in the video the guy says to pour it in for 2 seconds). The ACV will tenderize the meat and add flavor. 

After it's done carefully pull out the ribs (they fall apart easily)!

Then slather them with your favorite BBQ Sauce.

I need to find a good homemade BBQ sauce recipe!! But, for not The Sauce is Boss is always a good go to. 

I made these for the Missionaries who came over for dinner the other night. After blessing the food we uncovered the ribs and the Elders expression was priceless..."OH WOW!" 

They enjoyed them with some homemade potato salad, sweet potato fries, green salad, and organic mac  n' cheese. Not much was left. Lol!

The Fish Fam can't wait for more fall off the bone ribs!

There are more baby back rib recipes out there, which I'm looking forward to trying, especially without apple juice, but I think it's safe to say the apple juice/acv bath was a good one!

Enjoy :)

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