
Delicious Vegan & Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie!

This is the most delicious vegan pumpkin pie I've ever had! The filling is from Elana's Pantry! You don't have to bake the filling, which makes it the easiest pumpkin pie to make! 


2 cups pumpkin           *I use this Organic Pumpkin Pie
1 cup coconut milk fat, from 2 cans  *I use this Coconut Milk
1/3 cup coconut oil
1 Tbsp. maple syrup    *I did 3T and 1/2T Brown Sugar
1/4 tsp. vanilla stevia   *I didn’t do stevia, just plain vanilla
1 Tbsp. pumpkin pie spice   *Made my own
1/8 tsp. sea salt
1 Nut-Free Egg Free Pie Crust, baked & cooled  *I made a Paleo crust


  1. Place pumpkin on a plate and set aside
  2. Get two cans of coconut milk and turn heavy side on the bottom, you want all the coconut fat at the bottom. Open the top and pour/save the coconut water into another cup. Then scrape the coconut fat out of the can. 
  3. In a medium pot, melt coconut milk fat and coconut oil until liquefied
  4. Stir in pumpkin and maple syrup until mixture is very warm
  5. Transfer mixture to a blender and puree on high speed until very smooth. *I don't think you have to use a blender if you are using canned pumpkin, it's already smooth. 
  6. Blend in vanilla stevia, pumpkin pie spice, and salt
  7. Transfer mixture into nut-free egg-free pie crust
  8. Refrigerate for 2 hours to set

This pie crust was NOT a nut-free, egg-free crust. It was Against all Grains' paleo "Honey Graham Cracker Crust." So, this pie crust isn't vegan because of the egg. 

But it's really good!

With a few changes to the recipe, I replaced the honey with maple syrup and the almond meal with hazelnut meal because that's what I had. 

It's so so good!

If you have food allergies or sensitivities, this is the perfect pumpkin pie for you. Or if you just want to make an extra healthy pumpkin pie that is gluten free, egg free, dairy free, and is Paleo, Keto and Low-Carb friendly!

Last but not least serve with some coconut whip cream on top...soooo good!

Coconut Whip Cream

1. The most important thing to do is put a can of full-fat coconut milk in the fridge overnight. To let all the fat solidify at the top of the can.
3. To open the can turn it upside down, so the cream is on the bottom end and then open it up with a can opener.
4. Pour out coconut water into another container and save if you want.
5. Scrape out the cream into a mixing bowl.
6. Add some kind of sweetener...white sugar, powdered sugar, maple syrup, honey, agave, etc.
7. Beat/whip it together with a mixer.
8. Taste test and sweeten to your liking.


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