
Happiness In A Bottle...

Yes, this coconut water is just that! A good friend and I love this coconut water! When she first gave me a sip I was like, whoa, they have to add some kind of sweetener. If you have ever had coconut water straight from the coconut like in Hawaii or Mexico, it's definitely not sweet, good, but not sweet. However, these coconuts are grown in Thailand and the coconuts over there are naturally sweeter. So, I'm good with that!

I find these little drinks at Sprouts $2 a bottle, sometimes on sale for around a $1.50. You can also find them online at Amazon. They sell the big 16.2 oz can in a pack of 12 for $26.99. You have two choices with or without pulp. I love the pulp, but these bottle come without it. Super refreshing!

Check out my cousins, Angela Huang, article about Coconuts: An amazing superfood. "Coconut water is nature’s perfect isotonic drink. Sterile and having the same electrolytic balance as we have in our blood, it’s been called the “fluid of life” and was even used to give emergency plasma transfusions to wounded soldiers during World War II. Best consumed from fresh young coconuts, coconut water is low in calories (being 95% water), yet high in electrolytes, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, and amino acids. Moreover, it aids in the function of the gall bladder, kidney, liver and thyroid." 

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