
Meal 2: Soy Glazed Ginger Chicken & Qinnoa

I saved all the sauce from the salmon meal to marinate these chicken drumsticks.

I marinated the drumsticks for the day.

Put them in the oven an hour before dinner.

Cooked up some quinoa & veggies just before.

My family know to not throw away their bones because I rinse them off, toss them in the freezer, and save them for bone broth soup.

There was also sauce leftover...just enough for a stir-fry tomorrow!

Meal 3: Soy Glazed Ginger Stir-fry

No post or pic for the Stir-fry, but I...

Tossed some veggies, organic tofu, the sauce, & cooked rice into the Wok.

Fast, easy, and enjoyable for the Fish Fam!

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