
Chocolate Avocado Cookies

These cookies may be one of the healthiest cookies you ever have!

They are fill with some of the best super foods! 


Avocados, Raw Honey, Almond Flour, Dark Chocolate, Almond Butter, Eggs, and Cacao Powder. 

That's it!

The Y.S. ECO Bee Farms Raw Honey is the best and certainly is "Liquid Gold!" It's very important to get good, clean, healthy, unrefined honey. Raw honey is unheated, unpasteurized, and unprocessed...which leaves the honey filled with is incredible vitamins, minerals, living enzymes, amino acids, and fatty acids!  Have you ever heard of honey being called natures anti-viral and antibiotic medicine?  My kids really like this raw honey, which I buy at any health food store like Wholefoods, Good Earth, Sprouts, Natural Grocer, Amazon, and Vitacost. Here it is at Amazon.

Blanched Almond Flour is great too. This brand is specifically great because I have found it works great for baking. Way way better than Bob Mills or other almond flours. Blanched means the nuts were soaked and the skins were taken off. Soaking or blanching nuts is the best way to get the most nutrients out of them. The skins contains phytates and for some people, especially with sensitive guts can be hard to digest and irritate the digestive tract. I buy this blanched almond flour at most costco's. It's a bit pricey. But such a great option.

A lot of people know dark chocolate is a superfood! Milk chocolate tastes a lot sweeter, but has lots and lots of sugar and ingredients that cancel out all the good stuff. Dark chocolate is filled with awesome minerals and antioxidants that do great things for your body like lower cholesterol, improve brain function, make skin healthy, and make you feel better! What more could you ask for?! So go for that healthy dark chocolate.

As for the Avocados did you know they contain more potassium than a banana?! They are filled with INCREDIBLY good healthy fats and they help rebuild the nervous system. Healthy fats are VITAL during pregnancy. The baby fetus NEEDS healthy fats to develop their central nervous system and brain. So important! And avocados are the best around! So enjoy them in these cookies and fresh on salads, in your guacamole, and so much more!! I love love avocados.

As for the almond butter and eggs...find and almond butter with one ingredient ALMONDS! You can make your own almond butter in your own food processor at home. You can also get fresh almond butter at most health food stores where you push a button and it is ground up and put into the container in your hand. 

For the eggs, I always buy organic eggs. I would recommend ALWAYS buying organic and/or pastured eggs from your local farmer. They know what's up when it comes to producing healthy and happy chickens to make the best eggs. 

So after blending everything up in your food processor scoop them up and drop them on a baking sheet and enjoy the smell of chocolate! 

By Family Life Goals


  • 2 ounces raw organic unsweetened chocolate melted in 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 1/2 organic avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of unsalted organic almond butter
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1 organic egg and one organic egg white
  • 2 tablespoons organic cocoa or cacao powder
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons organic almond flour
1. Puree the avocado until it is very smooth.

2. Add all of the other ingredients one at a time and blend together until the batter is smooth.
3. Let the batter chill in the fridge for one hour.
4. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
5. Place the batter on a cooking sheet in the shape of your cookies. Place in the oven.
6. Bake for 15-17 minutes
7. Let cool for 5 minutes.
*The darker the chocolate like the one I used makes the cookies very rich. Also, I will add less cacao powder because it added to its richness. You can use any chocolate you prefer. Dark chocolate blend with some fruits or peppermint would be pretty awesome! You can also do another healthy sugar like maple syrup, coconut sugar, and unrefined molasses, even dates. 


Coconut Mango Ginger Granola

If you want some awesome roasted and toasted granola then this recipe is pretty awesome! 

Friends really like my Roasted and Toasted Kine.

Granola sure fills your house with a wonderful aroma.

This time I switched out the maple syrup for Ginger Syrup (from The Ginger People), and added toasted coconut flakes, and chopped up dried mangoes after it was done baking. Just watch it to make sure it doesn't get too roasted and toasted like this one came out today. Still yummy though!

Enjoy :)