

It was getting close to lunch and my kids and I were hungry!
I opened up my fridge to see what I could quickly come up with....

And it was good!

It's all about leftovers and creativity.
See recipes below...

Green Curry Basil Ono

I opened up my fridge to see what I had and I always says as long has you have veggies in the fridge and a plethora of spices and herbs the possibilities are endless!

I made up this dish for lunch quite quickly and it was so good!

I chopped up some garlic and onions.
I already had sliced green peppers in the fridge.
Added some S&P, Turmeric, dash of Cayenne
Sauteed/Steamed them.
Boiled my Shiratake Noodles (yam noodle).
Tossed in my leftover Ono (fish).
Added some green curry paste & Chicken Stock.
Added my noodles &
Fresh Thai Basil & Spearmint Leaves.
Let it simmer.
Drizzle Coconut Aminos over. 
(fermented coconut/soy sauce alt.)

Pork & Pineapple Pizza

 My favorite TV show is Food Network. 
I've gotten so many good ideas, tips, help, & encouragement.
We've never had a TV with cable, but I'm sure grateful that while
we live here at my in-laws condo we have it!

This meal was inspired by a FN Show Sandra's Money Saving Meals.
 She made a pork roast & was using it for all kinds 
of dishes and one of them was pizza....

The kids were hungry and I though HEY! I have a big leftover bowl of  Kula Pork in the fridge
from a church even I went to that our Hawaiian Relief Society Pres. made. I also had a frozen cheese pizza in the fridge, and a Maui Fresh Pineapple was also sitting in the fridge ready to use!

With my little sous chef we spread the pork all over.
Chopped up some onions & pineapple.

 Baked it in 10min.
 Added some fresh cilantro.
And "Cucumber Chips"
Sprinkled w/ S&P love!
(Salt & Pepper)

Ohhh, it looked good and they happily enjoyed it!

Beef & Bean Burritos

This recipe is from The Pioneer Woman.
My favorite Food Network Show at the moment.
Beef & Bean Burritos.

My little sous chef loved helping!

Strawberry Chia Jam

This jam is so incredibly easy!!!

No Sugar & Pectin-free

Use fresh or thawed frozen fruit.
Add some Chia Seeds.
Opt. sweetener...
Raw Honey, Maple Syrup, Stevia, etc.

Put it all in a blender and then right in the fridge,
so the chia seeds will gel and thicken it up.

Recipe here. I used way less raw honey.
It's great and the kids like it!

Simple Blueberry Jam recipe here.


Deviled Eggs

This is a snack I enjoy.

I mix the yolk with a creamy mac dip and then topped with nutmeg, pepper, and a tiny bit of cayenne pepper. With steamed peas.


The creamy mac dip...I substituted macadamia nuts for the cashews.

 Good stuff!

(I don't like all the stuff in mayo, even if its organic. 'Say no to gmo's' lol.)

Lunch Box To Go...

My lunch box to go from Health Choice Bar....green salad, papaya/ginger dressing, w/ no bean hummus and cucumber chips. I added my own grilled chicken to the mix.

"Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding"

This actually is really good "pudding." Recipe found at Paleo Omg here. 

I just added about a teaspoon of raw honey. It calls for a tablespoon.
It seems that it would be great with maple syrup too.
I have to stay low glycemic, so I go easy on the natural sugars too.

Her's just looks more appetizing. :)

"Portobello Burger" & Kale Chips

This raw/vegan burger is from Maui Kombucha...a place I've discovered on the island...
a place where I didn't know food like this existed...a place where all the food is awesomely good!

 The "burger" is made out of walnuts, portobello mushrooms, zucchini, olive oil, coconut aminos, garlic, herbs & spices, nutritional yeast, S&P, and lemon.

The "Cheeze & Pesto Aioli" Sauces were so tasty!

Throw on yummy toppings and wrap it in collard greens :)

I threw in some kale chips and whala...so so good!

Sorry no recipe, but I'm definitely going to experiment and come up with my own.

Chicken "Zoodle" Soup w/ Watercress

My weekly soup for the week made from my own homemade bone broth.

Veggies include...garlic, onions, carrots, celery, butternut squash, zucchini (the zoodles), and Watercress leaves and stems.

Sweet Potato Brownies--Paleo Style

The lighting on the pics are no good, but the brownies were great! Nice chocolate flavor and not too sweet. This is a no grains, no sugar brownie. The ice cream was made out of frozen bananas and coconut milk...with "Carmel Topping." 

This was a super awesome treat for me because I haven't had something like this in a very long time.
I'm currently not eating grains, dairy, refined sugar or high glycemic natural sugar.

The Fish Fam enjoyed it!

Sweet Potato Brownies Here.
Creamy Ice Cream with Caramel Topping Here.

*My brownies came out very moist and soft in the middle, but still good.

Power Greens Salad...

Power Green Mix...spinach, kale, and chard. Topped with cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, red onions, peas, grilled chicken, with fresh squeezed lime. All organic salad goodness!

"Best Lasagna Ever"

And this was the fam's lasagna w/ grains and diary. It disappeared off their plates w/ seconds!

"Best Lasagna Ever" recipe here.


"Zucchini Pesto Lasagna"

This recipe is found at Sandy's Allergy Free Recipes

I LOVE it! It's grain-free/dairy free/vegan.

Zucchini Pesto Lasagna with Cashew Cream (Gluten Free/ Dairy Free/ Vegan)
One batch of: Basil Pesto and a batch Cashew Cream (click on the links to get the recipe)
1 medium size zucchini- cut thin into ribbons
1 large onion- sliced
1 large size carrot- julienne
1 large pepper- sliced
1 Tbsp. coconut oil or olive oil
1 tsp. dried basil
In a medium frying pan, add oil, onion, carrot, and pepper. Saute for approximately ten minutes on medium low heat, stirring frequently. Stir in dried basil and take pan off heat when vegetables are soft.
To assemble lasagna use a 9″ by 13″ baking dish.
Start with 1-2 tablespoons of prepared pesto spread all over the bottom of the dish.
Then a single layer or zucchini ribbons.
Followed by 1/3 of sauteed vegetables.
Then 1/3 of your cashew cream.
And 1/3 of your pesto. Repeat each step two more times, ending with pesto.
Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until zucchini is fork tender, but not mushy.

***I changed mine up a bit by not adding the pepper or frying the veggies. I also added some other veggies to my liking. Instead, of frying my garlic/onions/carrot I steamed them in a little bit of water topped with a lid for 10 minutes. I also didn't use cashews for the cream, I only had macadamia nuts in my fridge. 
Here is how I assembled everything...
I used my Titan peeler to thinly slice the zucchini, which acts as the noodle, chopped my garlic and onions, and used my other titan peeler to julienne the carrots. Added a layer of Basil Pesto that I made in my Vita-mix to the bottom of your baking dish, then a layer of zucchini noodle, topped with the steamed garlic/onion/carrots, then layered with my creamy macadamia sauce that I also made in my Vita-mix, as well as the basil pesto sauce, next a layer of kale, followed by zucchini noodles. Repeat to the end. Then at the very top I spread my sliced Early Girl Tomatoes all over.
Enjoy with a green salad. 

This lasagna is super good!

Epecially on the 2nd day after all the flavors soak in.

Yum :)

Lunch Lately...

 Grilled organic chicken w/ baked cauliflower and onions that I tossed in olive oil, turmeric, sea salt, and garlic powder.

Grilled organic chicken w/ my leftover veggie lasagna.

"Muesli Bars"

This recipe is found at Whole Foods Simply. I love her website and how simple and easy she puts recipes together with whole foods.

Wholefood Simply Snack Bars
75 grams roasted almond butter (this is 1/3 cup, you can use hulled tahini or sunflower seed butter for a nut free option)
75 grams (5 tablespoons) cooled roast pumpkin or pumpkin puree
75 grams desiccated coconut (3/4 cup finely shredded dried coconut)
1/2 ripe banana
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt
Preheat your oven to 175 Degrees Celcius or 350 Degrees Fahrenheit.
Grease and line a mini loaf tin (mine is 6″ x 2.5″) with baking paper hanging oven the sides for easy removal.
Place all ingredients into your blender or food processor in the order listed, blend quickly to combine. Alternatively mash the almond butter, pumpkin and banana together in a bowl and then stir in the remaining ingredients.
Press the mixture into the loaf tin and cook for 30 minutes or until golden on top and an inserted skewer comes out cleanly.
Remove from the oven, leave in the tin for five minutes then carefully move the slice onto a cooling rack. Once it has cooled chop into bars. Enjoy!
You could also double this recipe and make it in a standard loaf tin, be sure to increase the cooking time.
***I used tahini paste and didn't add the shredded coconut. I added chopped pecans. My loaf came out soft and mushy inside. So, I couldn't cut it into bars. Nonetheless, it was delicious!

Morning Greens...

 I've been enjoying my morning green drinks..

 Power Green Mix (kale, chard, arugula, spinach), ginger, 1/2 lime, cucumber, carrot, celery, 1/2 orange, 1 cup water, and 2 ice cubes.

Blend it all up!

And chug it down with your morning breakfast...

Steamed onions, broccoli, asparagus, with a poached egg, topped with green onions.

Or add some Sauerkraut. A awesome prebiotic food...

Yum :)


Pumpkin Goods...

I've been cooking a lot with pumpkins! Look below for all the different recipes.

Pumpkin Soup :)

Another simple and easy soup...Pumpkin Soup!

Blend together...

Roasted pureed Pumpkin
Onions & Garlic
2 cups chicken stock
Fresh Mint
Nutmeg & Cinnamon

Later on when I would heat up my soup on the stove I added some Anish, peas, and chicken meat.

"Seedy Snacks"

 This recipe is found at Wholefood Simply...

Seedy Snacks
1/2 cup chia seeds
1/2 cup flax seeds
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon spice of your choice*
1 cup of coconut water** or water
Preheat your oven to 175 Degrees Celsius or 350 Degrees Fahrenheit
Place the seeds, salt and spice into your blender or food processor, pulse quickly to roughly break up the pumpkin and sunflower seeds. With the mixture still gently turning add in the water. Leave the mixture gently stirring while you line a large oven tray with baking paper. By this time the mixture will have thickened. Pour the mixture onto the tray lined with baking paper. Place another piece of baking paper over the top, using your hands spread the mixture out until you have reached your desired thickness. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven, turn onto a chopping board and cut into squares. Allow to cool and enjoy.
* You really can use anything that you like, we often use a mix of cinnamon, ginger and cloves. Others prefer flavours such as garlic or oregano. You can even omit the spices.

 I enjoyed them with my Pumpkin Hummus

And baked cinnamon apples with soaked pecans!

Pumpkin Hummus

This is oh so good! Recipe found at The Paleo Mama...

  1. Add all ingredients to a mini food processor.
  2. Process until everything is combined and the texture is as smooth as you like – that’s it! Drizzle with a little extra olive oil for prettiness before serving.

Serve it with cut veggies or homemade crackers...

"A Jar of Pumpkin & Pecan Pie"

 If you love pumpkin then you'll love this smoothie from mywholefoodlife...

1 cup pumpkin puree

1 frozen banana

handful of Pecans

1 tsp cinnamon

1 cup water & ice


I roasted suger pie pumpkins and it's so so good!

Green Drink

 These green drinks are bitter, strong, and awesome for my liver! Lol, but true.

3 leaves kale, 3 stalks asparagus, stalk of celery, big bunch of cilantro stems and leaves, cucumber, thin carrot, ginger, 1/2 lime, 1/2 an orange, some water, and 2 ice cubes.

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

This recipe is really really simple and easy....

You cut the butternut in half, scoop out the seeds, and then bake it in the oven.

Bake it at 375 deg. for about 45 min.

Then scoop everything out and put it in the blender.

Add chicken stock
Fresh Mint 
Salt & Pepper

 Add some peas for texture.


"Baked Goods"

I like to think of these dishes as the "real baked goods."

All you gotta do is throw some fruit and veggies onto a baking sheet and put it in the oven.

Make your own dipping sauce.

And most importantly BE CREATIVE!

Top dish is papayas topped w/ a slice of banana, beets, and radishes. The sauce is frozen peas, fresh mint, ginger, chia seeds, soaked and peeled almonds, and water.

Bottom dish steamed hard squash, papaya, banana, starfruit, and turnips. Sprinkled with grated nutmeg and crushed cardamon. 

I'm working with a wonderful friend I have met who is a very creative and an amazing cook! She is opening up my right brain and getting my creative juices flowing. She baked all these and shared all her good ideas!

I'm really focusing on food and how it makes me feel....I'm listening to my body. For the last 10 years I've been on a serious health journey because through health challenges and c-sections and raising kids it's been a bit crazy. I've tried this and tried that...vegan, raw food, juicing, candida diets, alkalizing-diets, whole foods, gluten-free, etc. I did see great improvements in my health, but at the same time I still wasn't feeling great in other ways. But as I've included more, actually a lot, of cooked veggies in my diet, I have felt a world of difference and have slowly, but surely been feeling better! I'm so thankful for all the good people who have helped me along my journey!