
The One-Bowl Wonder!

Bibimbop (be-bim-bop), is a Korean dish and it's my absolutely favorite.

It translates as "mixed rice." Pretty much it's a one-bowl wonder of steamed rice, sauteed veggies, marinade beef, and a fried egg. Throw on some gochujang (hot paste) and/or Kimchi. Then just stir and mix it all up together in the bowl. It's great way of using up day-old rice and veggies that are less fresh.

I can't even say how much I love eating this!

I marinade the meat in a Korean Beef Bulgogi sauce with some onions.
I'd recommend making your own sauce, something I need to do still.

Chop up any veggies. 
This time I did...carrots, mushrooms, and spinach.
Using my julienne(r) saves so much time.

You can also put...
bean sprouts

Any veggie that pleases you.

Saute them separately. Sesame oil give a great flavor. 

Then top it with a fried egg.

 Once you have the bowl in front of you add some gochujang (hot paste) found in the Asian cooking isle or search for a homemade recipe, then stir the bowl mixing everything together.

And eat it with some Kimchi too. Umm, yum!

This dish is best served in stone bowls, which I hope to invest in one day.

I love it when they bring out the HOT stone bowl with the egg not cooked thoroughly, so you stir it all together in the bowl and let it keep cooking making the rice nice and crispy too.
So good.

I've always said whenever I can hire a Korean cook to teach me how to make Korean food I'd love that!

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