
Hawaiian Teriyaki Chicken

This is probably The Fish Fams most favorite dish, I always hear how AH-MAZ-ING it is!


3   lbs. chicken thighs and/or drumsticks
1   cup  soy sauce Aloha Shoyu is best!
1   cup  water
1   cup  brown sugar
3   big   cloves of minced garlic or garlic press is best!
1-1.5in. ginger root, microplaned/zested is best!

1/3-1/2 cup green onions, chopped

*Chicken thighs are the best because the fat in the meat will add much more flavor. Also, skinless thighs or drumsticks is best. If you get them with the skin on pull it off or pull the skin back to the marinade touch the meat.


-In a gallon size ziplock bag combine the water and soy sauce. Add brown sugar and dissolve it in the liquid. Add the ginger, garlic, and green onions (you can always do more or less to your liking.) Lastly add the chicken, which I like to poke with a fork so more of the marinade gets into the meat. 

*These Baggy Rack holders make it so easy to pour all the ingredients into the gallon bags with no spills...

-Marinade the meat for at least 24hrs. or up to 3 days. Place the ziplock bag in the pan you will be baking in. 

-After marinating the meat, you are ready to cook it! I pour all of the chicken and marinade into the pan and bake it in the oven at 375deg. for 45mins to 1hr. The meat must reach an internal heat of 165deg. So, it just depends on how your oven cooks. You can also grill it if you have a grill, keep pouring the sauce over to keep it more moist.

-Strain the sauce and use it to pour over the rice. (My family can't go without the sauce over their rice)

*If you have the Aloha Shoyu soy sauce then definitely use that! Kikoman tends to be really salty, so use the reduced sodium or less of the regular Kikoman and a little more water. But, that depends on what you like!

*You can also serve this with coconut rice, which makes it even better!...

-I love using Jasmine rice.
-First wash, rub, and clean the rice. Until the water runs more clear than cloudy.
-Drain all the water out and put it in the rice cooker.
-Get a can of coconut milk and then add water, to equal the 1/2cup more liquid need to cook rice. 
  Ex) 2 cups rice you'll need 2 1/2 cups coconut milk and water combined. 

Then enjoy the divine smell of coconut rice!!!

*I always make a pot of plain rice and a pot of coconut rice, so people can choose what they want.


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