
Long Bean Tofu Stirfry

 I love making stir-fry's and after living in China for a while I quickly learned American Chinese food and China Chinese food are so so different! Chinese food made in China is really really good. After we moved back from China I got pregnant and all I craved was veggies and rice like I had in China. I frequently made this dish. It's also a good thing my husband knows how to cook and does an amazing job at imitating our favorite foods in China!

When I first started cooking I hated that I had to chop up so many things. Then I said to myself, "You know what I need to get over this feeling and be happy to do it because if I want these fresh veggies in our food then I'm going to be doing it day in and day out for a really long time and I need to be able to enjoy it!" I'm happy to say that I really enjoy chopping up veggies...haha, it has become a way to de-stress.

I fry the garlic and onions first until the onions are mostly cooked I add a little soy sauce as well, add the mushrooms and green beans w/a little bit of water and cover the pan. After a couple of minutes I put in hoisin sauce (found in Asian stores or maybe in the Asian isle at your local grocery store), a little vinegar, and maybe a little sugar just right in the pan. I go with whatever amounts I feel is best. Then Lastly I add the tofu and let it if cook for a minute. I like the beans to still be a little crunchy and not soft, cook everything according to how you like it. 

*I have a ton of juice pics to post, but I just have to get them off of my FB page and put ALL of them on here. :)


Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti Squash

I made baby food for all my kids, but I consistently made it for my youngest. One time I bought a couple of organic baby jar food and after the first bite he would make the worst face and spit it out. It was pretty funny. His favorite foods were all different kinds of squash. With this spaghetti squash, if you ever cut it open, be careful! The outer layer is hard, thick, and tough. I baked it for about 45min. It scraps off easily and looks just like spaghetti. However, I have also found that I should cook it longer. I always end up steaming it even longer to make it soft enough. My little guy also enjoy this with brown rice noodles and peas.


Mango Chicken Quinoa Dish

I chopped up orange, yellow, and red peppers.

I cooked organic quinoa. I fried garlic and onions. Then I added the chicken and peppers and I squeezed in fresh orange juice with some lime and lemon as well. Then I put in the mangoes. It was served warm and good, but it was even better the next day after all the juices soaked in and cold from being in the refrigerator.

Spinach Tomato Italian Sausage Pasta

I made my own sauce from organic canned tomato sauce and paste. I add in a lot of oregano, basil, and rosemary. I chopped up lots of garlic and onions. I also added in fresh tomatoes and spinach, not letting these last two cook for too long. The Italian sausage makes it taste even better! The bow tie pasta gives a nice look and the toasted rosemary bread is tasty!


Organic Sprouted Bean Soup & Breadsticks

I really like making this soup and when I do I am in the kitchen for quite some time, but our house sure does smell good! This time I loaded up on the veggies: red/yellow peppers, zucchini, onions, garlic, carrots, and diced tomatoes. Spices: oregano, basil, and parsley. The spouted beans are a mix of sprouted lentils, mung, and adzuki beans. This is straight from Truroots website (where you can also find the recipe), "Sprouting is a technique of traditional cultures that boosts the nutritional profile–increasing vitamins and micronutrients. The process results in pre-digestion of complex proteins, starches and lipids, converting them into simple and essential components that make these beans much easier to digest. We sprout and dehydrate the highest-quality beans and lentils, awakening their flavor and preserving healthful benefits." Super healthy and super good!

I also made homemade organic bread sticks. I substituted the oil with applesauce and the honey with agave. It tasted great! I love preparing food and making delicious meals for my family. :)

 The next day for lunch we had leftovers! My boys love dipping their dinos into the soup.

Organic Chicken Avacado Salad

  I buy a whole organic chicken and we use the meat throughout the week. My favorite dish to make is this salad! There is organic spring mix and spinach mixed together. There are tomatoes, thinly sliced red onions, cucumbers, and avocados. I use very little organic Italian dressing or sometimes I just squeeze lemon all over. Yum!

Vegetarian Bean Chili

A few weeks ago I made "Vegetarian Bean & Veggie Chili" and it was really good! We bought a BIG container of a bean blend at Costco...black beans, yellow eye steuben, pinto beans, split yellow peas, french navy beans, split green peas, red beans, and green lentils. I soaked the beans over night and then cooked them in the crock pot for a couple hours the next day. By the time dinner came around all I had to do was chop up onions and red/yellow peppers. Make the chili paste. Then add the beans, diced tomatoes, and tomatoes sauce. We ate it with toasted wheat bread and have been eating it all week for lunch with carrots and tortillas. We are eating very little meat and I really LOVE preparing and cooking with natural grains, beans, fruits, and veggies that has been made for our use!

*The recipe I used that was on the container of beans is different from this recipe on their website, but I'm sure it still is good. I didn't use chipotle chili powder, coriander, celery, vegetable stock or chicken stock, garlic, or cilantro. I would have used lots of garlic if mine didn't go bad. I was planning on using up our cilantro, but totally forgot. I was also going to put fresh green onions on top but forgot too. I didn't use that much oil. I also used cayenne pepper, dried oregano, and used the reserved liquid from the cooked beans. Next time I will put more veggies in. Hope you try it out!

Organic Oatmeal & Juice

This is our usual breakfast...organic rolled oats with banana, raisins & cinnamon, or berries with a cup of juice! It's simple, easy, and healthy!


Fish Fam Food & Juice

Yay, I have started a food & juice blog! I love making, preparing, and cooking food that is healthy, natural, organic, little to no diary & meat, and good!  This will be posts of recipes that I make at home of food and juice. I have been juicing fresh veggies and fruits for the last 6 1/2 years. It's hard to go through the day without our daily juice. I try to juice everyday, but that doesn't always happen. I also try to prepare fresh healthy food everyday, but that doesn't always happen either. But, it's a great thing that it's so easy to pick up whole fruits and veggies and eat them from your hand. Ha! It makes meals easy sometimes! I love making my house full of boys happy and healthy with good food and fresh juice! Some friends helped encourage me to start this so thank you and here we go!